Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 9:14

We’re Gonna Have Some Fun!
You are invited to jump in to the fun we have throughout the year and out Upcoming Events guide shows the currently scheduled activities going on in Student Ministry.
Look out for the red dates as we have quite a few new events and activities in addition to the ones you know and love.
You’ll see opportunities for kids, youth, and parents throughout the year so go ahead and add these to your calendars so you don’t miss out!

Weekly Activities:
Clubhouse Jam takes our kids on an adventure through the Bible as we sing praise songs, get involved with interactive Bible stories, and applying it to our lives with small groups.
Sunday at 9:45am in the Kid’s Clubhouse
Kindergarten–5th Grade
Action Lab shows kids our amazing God and looks to His creation to give us illustrations of His greatness and goodness. We’ll start with an experiment and relate it to our faith through Bible teaching and small groups.
Sunday at 11:00am in the Kid’s Clubhouse
Kindergarten–5th Grade
Nursery Care on Sunday mornings throughout all three service times.
WOW! Worship On Wednesdays on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 – 7:00pm.
Wednesdays with drop-off in the Choir Room and pickup in the Kid’s Clubhouse
Kindergarten–5th Grade

Our Children’s Ministry is a thriving program for ages birth through 5th grade. From the Nursery Program to Children’s Church, in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, we provide an environment of love, learning and safety. We learn about Jesus through Bible lessons, crafts and games. On Wednesday nights, we offer special programming that includes Children’s Choir, Bible lessons and dinner. Throughout the year, we have many fun activities planned. Here are just a few examples:
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Trunk-or-Treat
- Vacation Bible School
- Art Camp
- Children’s Musicals
All God’s children are loved and cherished at SSUMC and have a special place in the hearts of the congregation and staff.