United Women in Faith Purpose“We shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the Church.”

We currently have 4 active circles. They meet on different days and times. Any woman who would like to connect and nurture others through Christian fellowship & education in the global mission of the church is welcome. If you are interested in joining any group please call the Circle leader or Pat Carmichael (912-270-5739) and we will find a place for you.
SIS Circle
3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm, Parlor | Beth Fennell (912) 270-7765, Leader
Esther Circle
2nd Thursday, 4:00pm, Parlor | Mary Brittain (678-314-6071), Leader
Sarah Circle
3rd Tuesday, 12:00pm, location varies | Sally Stroud (912-223-3931), Leader
Sunshine Circle
3rd Thursday, 12:00pm, location varies I Cindy Sweat (912-270-4831) & Jana Comer (912-223-7521), Leaders
Each of these circles support various local programs which meet the needs of women, children & youth. Sometimes they have local speakers, book studies or Bible studies to inspire and influence women in the church to belong and support various ministries of the church.

UWF Reading Program
The Reading Program brings together ladies to explore, share and discuss books on different topics. Four books are chosen for the year from a reading list prepared by UMW/UWF National Board of Directors that cover many issues that we may face on a day to day basis.
Anyone interested in joining is welcome. We meet once a Quarter on Tuesdays at 10:00am in the church parlor.
Pam Lewis (912-242-0686) is our leader and you can contact her for exact dates and books chosen for the year.
For any questions, please feel free to contact Pat Carmichael by email at patcarmichael@juno.com